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ÖGPB-Jahrestagung 2021

Cannabinoids in the brain: their mechanism of action in relation to neuropsychiatric disorders

Understanding how the endogenous cannabinoid system operates laid foundations to rationalizing the action of the major plant-derived cannabinoids, ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol. Here, the progressive emergence of plant-derived cannabinoids in medical practice is illustrated by their potential relevance to the treatment of schizophrenia and epilepsy.

Evolutionary biology posits the existence of Cannabis sativa for the last 600 million years. Co-evolution with humans was because of the plant’s richness in durable fiber rather than its perceived psychotropic significance. The first mention of Cannabis sativa in relation to a discrete medical condition, pain, was in ancient China ~4000 B.C., and included detailed knowledge on the plant’s psychotropism, which suggests a significant content in ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). During the ensuing millennia, medical benefits of Cannabis spp. were repeatedly mentioned by Greeks, Romans, Mongols and others. Written records show the widespread use of cannabis extracts for medicinal purposes by the 19th century. In 1937, however, its assumed abuse potential led to the banning of marijuana from further medicinal use in the United States. The beginning of a substantial and progressive shift of research, medical and legislative positions on plant-derived cannabinoids can probably be pinned to 1967, when THC was isolated and chemically characterized1,2, and recognized as the main psychoactive constituent of Cannabis sativa.

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