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Does Neuromuscular Training Help Prevent Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathy?
Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) is a common complication that negatively affects quality of life and may limit adherence to further cancer-directed therapy. Effective options for prevention are limited. In a multicenter, randomized trial conducted in Germany, investigators compared standardized twice-weekly neuromuscular exercise training versus standard care in adult patients receiving first-line chemotherapy. Randomization was stratified according to type of chemotherapy (oxaliplatin or vinca alkaloid) and age.
One hundred fifty-eight patients (mean age, 49; 59% male) were randomized to one of three groups: standard care alone or standard care plus a program of either sensorimotor or whole-body vibration training with a sports therapist. Patients were assessed for neuropathy before initiation of chemotherapy, at set points during and after treatment, and at usual oncology visits; patients with symptoms were referred to neurology.
Incidence of CIPN was significantly lower in the sensorimotor-training and whole-body vibration–training groups than in the control group (30.0% and 41.2%, respectively, vs. 70.6%; P=0.002). Benefit was greatest among patients in the sensorimotor-training group and those receiving vinca alkaloids. Among the outcomes improved with sensorimotor training compared with usual care only: balance control, vibration sensitivity, sense of touch, lower-leg strength, pain, burning sensation, need for chemotherapy dose reductions, and mortality.
This randomized clinical trial fills an essential gap in the prevention of CIPN. Among patients receiving first-line chemotherapy commonly associated with neuropathy, neuromuscular training decreased the incidence of CIPN. Findings were most favorable among patients on vinca alkaloids performing sensorimotor training, demonstrating improvement in balance, sensation, pain, chemotherapy dose reductions, as well as mortality.
Streckmann F et al.
Preventive effect of neuromuscular training on chemotherapy-induced neuropathy: A randomized clinical trial.
JAMA Intern Med
1; [e-pub].
(Abstract/FREE Full Text)
Gupta A et al.
Exercise and physical medicine interventions for managing chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy.
JAMA Intern Med
1; [e-pub].
(Abstract/FREE Full Text)
Empfohlen von
Elizabeth Prsic, MD