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Overview and case reports

An expanding concept: the orthoplastic approach

Orthoplastic surgery is a multidisciplinary service that provides the best possible care for patients with complex limb conditions. This approach is gaining popularity worldwide as the benefits of this collaboration between orthopedic and plastic surgeons are substantiated by latest research. The following article reviews the history and current concepts of orthoplastic surgery and illustrates the diversity, complexity and beneficial outcome in three cases.

The orthoplastic approach, described in 1993 by Scott Levin,1 incorporates immediate multidisciplinary collaboration for the management of traumatic lower extremity injuries. For high-energy trauma, orthopedic surgeons provide expertise for osseous fixation and frequently plastic surgeons are consulted to optimize conditions for soft-tissue reconstruction relying heavily on microvascular techniques. The orthoplastic approach has been applied for patients with all sort of complex limb condition caused by trauma, infection or tumor in the meantime.

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