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Antithrombotic therapeutic dilemmas in peripheral arterial disease (PAD)

PAD – dual antiplatelet or dual pathway antithrombotic therapy after endovascular therapy?

In 2021 endovascular treatment (EVT) is routinely used to treat peripheral PAD. There is little direction to guide the best postinterventional care mainly based on experts consensus statement.1 Dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) – mainly aspirine and clopidogrel – is currently widely used after peripheral EVT in the hope of prolonging the patency of the intervention, especially in the crucial time period of endothelial healing.2

Despite the popularity of DAPT, there is a lack of randomised controlled trials (RCT) in PAD literature to guide the optimum dose or the optimum length. Data are extrapolated from the results of RCTs in coronary interventions (PCIs). However, the DAPT regimen used in the treatment of coronary artery disease (CAD) cannot necessarily be extrapolated to the treatment of PAD, because platelet reactivity, plaque morphology, length of lesions treated, and vessel flow characteristics are substantially different in coronary arteries compared with lower extremity vessels. Besides that devices used in PAD intervention differ from coronary interventions (different drugs).

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