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Lobular and Ductal Breast Cancer: How Do They Differ?
Invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC) is the second most common histologic subtype of breast cancer, after invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), accounting for 5%–15% of all breast cancers. Several key clinical characteristics have long been appreciated to distinguish ILC from IDC, such as less-clear mammographic visualization and unusual metastatic sites, including serosal surfaces in the abdomen and pelvis.
To better differentiate the clinicopathologic features and outcomes between ILC and IDC, investigators conducted a retrospective cohort study of 3617 ILC patients and 30,045 IDC patients diagnosed between 1990 and 2017 at three large U.S. cancer centers.
Key findings were as follows:
- Compared with IDC patients, ILC patients were more likely to be older (61 vs. 57 years) and to have grade 1 or 2 tumors (88% vs. 60%), higher-stage disease (stage III/IV; 20.7% vs. 10.4%), larger tumor size (T3/4; 14.7% vs. 4.0%), and greater nodal burden (N2/3; 9.9% vs. 5.5%).
- ILC patients were more likely to have ER-positive disease (96% vs. 77%) and PR-positive disease (81% vs. 67%).
- ILC patients were more likely to undergo mastectomy (60% vs. 50%) and less likely to receive radiation (68% vs. 77%).
- Although disease-free survival (DFS) was similar between ILC and IDC patients, ILC patients had significantly worse overall survival (OS); among the subset of ER-positive/HER2-negative patients, DFS and OS were significantly worse for ILC patients, likely reflecting more-frequent late recurrences.
This analysis identified several key differences in clinicopathologic features and outcomes between ILC and IDC. Of note, compared with IDC patients, ILC patients were diagnosed at later stages with more lymph-node involvement and had worse survival with long-term follow-up due to late recurrences. This observation may reflect a greater propensity for tumor dormancy with ILC. Long-term follow-up and novel therapeutic strategies are required for ILC patients.
Oesterreich S et al.
Clinicopathological features and outcomes comparing patients with invasive ductal and lobular breast cancer.
J Natl Cancer Inst
14; [e-pub].
(Abstract/FREE Full Text)
Djerroudi L et al.
Invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast: Toward tailoring therapy?
J Natl Cancer Inst
14; [e-pub].
(Abstract/FREE Full Text)
Empfohlen von
William J. Gradishar, MD