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OEADF 2022

The skin as a mirror: a practical guide to paraneoplastic dermatoses

Several systemic diseases and neoplasms can cause different skin features. Since these skin manifestations can be extremely polymorphous, dermatologists should be familiar with paraneoplastic dermatoses. Indeed, lack of familiarity with skin manifestations of internal malignancies may delay diagnosis and treatment of lethal neoplastic diseases. In this paper, we describe several paraneoplastic dermatoses, such as acanthosis nigricans, paraneoplastic autoimmune multiorgan syndrome, and paraneoplastic dermatomyositis.

Paraneoplastic dermatoses (PD) are a group of heterogeneous, acquired skin diseases, which are related to the presence of an underlying neoplasia. In 1868, von Hebra suggested that rapid alterations of cutaneous pigmentation could be associated with the presence of internal malignancies.1,2 Since the correlation between dermatological features and internal neoplasms is often not easy to identify, Curth proposed in 1976 six criteria to diagnose a PD (Tab. 1).1,2

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